نگاهی به موارد جدید AngularJs 1.3
301, MovedPermanently
http://blog.thoughtram.io/exploring-angular-1.3/ icon

موارد جدیدی که در AngularJs 1.3 اضافه شده

ngMessages: ^^

$applayAsync: ^^

Validators Pipeline: ^^

Binding to Directive Controllers^^

Disabling Debug Info : ^^

ES6 Style Promises  : ^^

Stateful filters  ^^

Angular-hint : ^^

ng-model-options ^^

One-time bindings : ^^


نگاهی به موارد جدید AngularJs 1.3
AngularJs و i18n
301, MovedPermanently
http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2015/03/21/angular-and-i18n-the-new-world.html icon

The new i18n story in Angular

Internationalization support in Angular has been very poor so far. You might know that there’s anngLocalemodule you need to include, which is used by a couple components, likengPluralize,dateandcurrencyfilter to name a few, and that’s pretty much it. As we’ve already discussed, there’s so much more that comes into play when internationalizing an application, which is why there’s finally a new solution evolving that will bring first-class i18n support to the Angular framework. 

AngularJs و i18n
استفاده از Web Worker ها در AngularJs
200, OK
https://andywalpole.me/#!/blog/142677/using-web-workers-angularjs icon

Using Web Workers, we can run JavaScript processes concurrently (or at least, as close to concurrently as this language allows). The primary benefit of this approach is to handle the manipulation of data in background threads without interfering with the user-interface. 

استفاده از Web Worker ها در AngularJs